How to Get Six-Pack Abs Without Equipment

Although some are born with the genetics that make having a washboard stomach easier, others have to fight tooth and nail to strengthen abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat that attempts to hide your hard work. Although exercise equipment supplements your workout to increase your chances of developing a six-pack, the essentials to enhancing your stomach are healthy eating and simple, at-home abdominal exercises. Also known as core exercises, these provide a strong foundation for your body and reduce the risk of lower-back injuries, according to Michael F. Roizen, MD, and Mehmet C. Oz, MD, authors of "You: On A Diet."


Lie flat on your back on the floor or a smooth surface.

Cross your arms over your chest, and lift your legs until your foot soles are pointing toward the ceiling.

Straighten out your legs, and crunch your abdominal muscles by lifting your tailbone at least one inch off the ground, according to Roizen and Oz. Lower your tailbone to return to the starting position.

Repeat the crunch 12 times per set, and do two to three sets.


Eliminate fatty foods. They might taste delicious, but fried and foods high in saturated fat increase your waistline and contribute to belly fat. Limit your daily saturated fat intake to 7 percent of your total daily calories, according to the American Heart Association.

Eat throughout the day. According to Oz and Roizen, eating small meals throughout the day reduces the likelihood of binge eating, which causes your body to store fat.

Consume anti-inflammatory foods to reduce hunger. Anti-inflammatory foods include fish, vegetables, fruit and green tea.

Switch from white flour to whole-grain varieties. Whole grains allow you to feel fuller longer, whereas white-flour foods are converted into sugar and are burned off quickly.

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